Infographic: 8 Million Tons of Plastic Waste Enters Our Oceans Yearly

Infographic: 8 Million Tons of Plastic Waste Enters Our Oceans Yearly

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Eight million tons. That’s how a lot plastic waste enters our oceans yearly. Where does all of it find yourself? How does it have an effect on our planet?

This infographic from Waterlogic follows the plastic path to the big rubbish patches which have accrued throughout the foremost oceans of the world. Learn which international locations border on the patches, what number of items of plastic are swirling in every, and the devastating influence on our oceans, wildlife, and people.

What are you able to do? Dispose of all waste responsibly, pick up litter earlier than it washes into sewers, and comply with the three Rs (cut back, reuse, and recycle). Together, we may help promote sustainable useful resource and waste administration, globally.

Infographic: plastic waste in our oceans
Infographic: Waterlogic

This put up was initially revealed on November 15, 2019.