Recent information of killer whales sinking boats might call to mind Jaws or Moby Dick. But earlier than we resolve that orcas are sadistic jerks
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Tag: endangered species
Making the Seas Safe for Sharks
Last 12 months, Earth911 inspired readers to take motion by signing a petition to protect endangered shark species. And it seems that world leaders listened.
Is Your Plastic Straw Killing Sea Turtles?
In 2015, a sea turtle with a straw caught in its nostril took over the web. It launched a motion to get rid of plastic
Global Environmental Treaties Are Making Gains
Sometimes it looks like the one environmental information is unhealthy information, and we by no means really make any progress. Governments are inclined to favor
Earth Action: Protect Endangered Sharks
Earth911 is honoring the 52 years of Earth Day with 52 Actions for the Earth. Each week by way of Earth Day 2023, we are